How Organizations In Rhode Island And New England Manage Their Remote Teams

How Organizations In Rhode Island And New England Manage Their Remote Teams

Remote work has increased exponentially in the last few years. Then came a global pandemic that forced offices and places of work to close down, and teams had to embrace the new normal, working from their home offices. It’s all swell and nifty when the team is in the same locality; instantaneous communication, the random hi-fives in the hallways, and the regular grapevines during the much-needed breaks.

Managing remote teams can be challenging for team leaders and managers and can have devastating results if not done properly. If you are in such a fix, pull up a chair, hold the phone and find out how organizations in Rhode Island manage their remote teams.

1. Proper Tech Tools

Want to cut down a tree, then have a sharp ax at the ready. Regardless of the task a team player is performing, communicating, sharing files, or preparing reports; the task is likely to produce undesired results without the proper tools. Fortunately,  Technology Advisory Group is here to advise Rhode Island organizations on various IT tech that’ll successfully assist their teams.

2. Open, And Transparent Communication

The secret to successful remote team management begins with open and transparent inter-team and interdepartmental communication through regular short meetings and check-ins. Often, working remotely results in a communication gap. A host of communication tools are available in the market to help bridge this gap. Experts from Technology Advisory Group will advise you on the best tools to meet your unique remote team’s communication needs.

Also, as an agile leader, you should adopt a culture of empathy. Learn to attentively listen to the needs and issues facing team players on granular levels. Where you can, please take the necessary steps to resolve them.

3. In-Person Meetings Whenever Possible

Although not a must, if your organization has the capabilities to schedule in-person meetings once in a while, then why not? Remote working can reduce the ‘human element’ among the team players. Although boring, regular coaching exercises for the team can re-install their professionalism. And for the fun part, you can organize fun and recreational activities for the team, such as a game safari, team building expeditions, or just a good old barbeque. Such meetings strengthen both human and working relationships.

4. Encourage Self-Sufficiency

An efficient team is designed to be self-sufficient and autonomous. You can achieve this through agile leadership and open inter-team communication. Also, a team leader or manager should incorporate all the skills necessary to successfully and efficiently complete a task to produce desired results.

5. Take A Breather And Be Casual

Remember those grapevine moments, gym visits, or naps that you used to take? As a team leader, you don’t have to be too strict or rigid to forbid the team players to have such casual moments, even in a remote work setting. Let them hold that music concert, grapevine, or heart-to-heart conversions about issues they are facing. Such casual moments help in decompressing, strengthening working relationships, and on the plus side, you’ll become the fun-loving and preferred leader by other teams. Now, what leader wouldn’t want that?

6. More Delegation, Less Micro-Management

Often, team leaders delegate duties and then get into a habit of micromanaging. Delegating a task to a team means the team players are competent enough to perform those tasks and return the set goals without you hovering. It might sound unprofessional and downright nagging when you start micromanaging the tasks you delegated to begin with.

7. Don’t Forget To Celebrate The Wins

Just like working in an office, remote work can be overwhelming and stressful to an individual. Many times, organizations focus too much on attaining goals, reaching bottom lines that they forget to celebrate when those results are attained. So, when your team achieves the set goals, go ahead and raise a glass or a bottle; celebrate the win and appreciate the team as well.

If You Are Looking For The Right Tech…

There you are, these remote team management techniques will increase efficiency and team morale for optimal productivity. It’s vital to create a comfortable ecosystem for your remote team, and it begins with the proper tech tools. At Technology Advisory Group, we have an array of IT solutions for businesses in Rhode Island that’ll help best manage remote working teams. Make those video conferences flawless, and it begins with contacting our experts who are ready to advise and offer the best IT options.

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