Business Continuity Solutions Rhode Island

Business Continuity Solutions To Survive Emergencies

How would fire or flood affect your operations? Could your company survive if malware destroyed your database? Your business might be lucky enough to survive a few years without an emergency. Nevertheless, every business will be impacted by unforeseen circumstances. How long your company lasts depends on your level of preparation before that event.


Insurance protects your assets, likewise, business continuity solutions are the best tool to protect your data and continued operations.

Business Continuity Solutions In Rhode Island and New England

Emergencies Cause Downtime And Downtime Costs Money

Many companies under 500 employees underestimate the costs and dangers of business downtime. Your company may have to close for a month of repairs. For example, your revenue effectively ends while certain expenses continue. You may still have to pay some salary or unemployment insurance costs. You may have some upfront costs not covered by insurance. Perhaps most problematic, you may lose customers or vital employees who are forced to seek other prospects during this month.

Your safest option is to find a way to continue as much of your operation as possible. The right IT services provider can help you develop cloud or hybrid-based infrastructures. They can backup data to offsite locations and give your employees the ability to work from anywhere in the world effectively. That is how you prepare for the unknown.

Creating A Business Continuity Plan In Advance

The best time to develop a continuity plan is far in advance of any emergency. One of the first steps to creating a continuity plan is producing a full list of every potential problem. List whatever can happen at every stage of your operation. First of all, have to see a complete picture of the risks to your operation. Secondly, you need to contemplate a range of incidental to worst-case scenarios for each problem. Finally, you can craft a comprehensive plan to preserve your operations in the event of each potential threat.

Why You Need A Professionally Crafted Plan

The above is a highly simplified version of the business continuity process. Many business leaders know their operations intimately. Therefore, they assume to be able to accurately estimate threats and prepare responses. However, business continuity experts with managed IT backgrounds can have two significant advantages:

  • First, they have the benefit of IT professional association and experience managing IT for your industry. The right IT partner has intensive knowledge and deep resources regarding your technology needs. That means they have the facts, statistics, and trade connections to know precisely what threats your business may face. In addition, understand the technology tools employed in the best-case scenarios.
  • Second, only an experienced and competent managed IT service provider truly understands the most recent technology resources that are available to help you prepare. Why struggle to save your business using decades-old technology when your IT partner knows about a proven tool that can help?

One of our clients recently experienced the loss of a data directory. It was essential for operation. Having data care service that we provide to assure business continuity, they were able to recover from the loss within minutes. If possible at all, recovering this directory using the old data tape backup system would have taken days of downtime.

Don’t Risk Another Day

Technology Advisory Group in Rhode Island is your ally in keeping your investment and dream operating. Our customers are constantly lauding our responsiveness or reporting that we are “… a great crisis problem solver.” Don’t let another day pass without being assured of protection. Contact us today to create a business continuity solutions plan that will secure your future!

Schedule Your Cloud Services Consultation

Ready to make a move to the cloud?  TAG is ready to help with any or all cloud services from a private cloud, public cloud, or Microsoft 365 services.

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